Not rolling over is not easy. It takes courage and tenacity to speak up and say something is wrong. OSHA’s very own Whistleblower Protection Program exists for this very reason and has just enforced over 20 new revisions to their existing whistleblower laws due to the many pending whistleblower cases. Most of these will unfortunately, according to recent STATS, will not get investigated. These revisions however, will help protect employees against retaliation from reporting a multitude of different workplace-related issues and problems. Whistleblower laws hadn’t been updated since January 28, 2016, but with the influx of cases and a slew of advocates working hard on enduring stakeholder calls and claims, including our very own Ultrasafe Ultrasound Diagnostic Services, OSHA has updated not only their Whistleblower Protection Program, but Temporary Worker’s rights!!! Yes, Yes, and YES!!!
Here are some significant changes to Whistleblower laws.
1. Policies initiated by previously-issued memoranda and pilot programs were incorporated into this Instruction. This incorporation affected all chapters.
2. Formal investigative correspondence, including notifications and determinations, may now be sent by email, delivery receipt required.
3. Notification letters to Complainants must now include a copy of the complaint.
4. All letter/document templates were removed to avoid any confusion, as templates are periodically updated.
5. Statute-specific chapters were removed and converted into statute-specific desk aids. The remaining chapters were renumbered accordingly.
6. The manual as a whole has been restructured such that Chapter 2 now collects and explains the legal concepts and principles that guide whistleblower investigations. Previously, these concepts were introduced throughout the manual.
Why is this an Accomplishment?
Workers in every crevice of the United States have been filing complaints against their companies and large corporations. This resulted in backlash and consequences ranging in intensity, but it was an abuse of power nonetheless. Now, with some of the restrictions gone off of reporting complaints, workers are able to take some of their power back. Without the fear of scrutiny, employees can make work a better place for all.
Increase your knowledge!
Do you think these new whistleblower laws are enough for workers to feel comfortable enough to file complaints safely without retaliation? Would you file if you felt your company was not protecting your legal and ethical right to a safe and healthful workplace? We want to hear from you!
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