Our mission is to minimize risk and maximize productivity in diagnostic ultrasound by ensuring that the workforce and the patients and practices that they serve in have the training necessary to reduce exposure to infectious disease processes and reduce the risk of work-related MSK injuries in the field, which currently stands at 90%.
The formula for this equation is simple.
Infection Control & Injury Prevention = Safety in Sonography!
Have you joined our #Teamsono Community Learning Platform?
That’s where our courses live and where you can access ErgoMechanics: The 1st Certified Course for Injury Prevention in Diagnostic Ultrasound.
As well as find our videos on STRetching & STRengthening your Sonographer Shoulder to guide you along the way with how to either offensively provide Soft Tissue Recovery for your body or defensively tend to your Scar Tissue Rehabilitation.
With peer reviewed literature deep dives as well as the actionable solutions in place to incite meaningful and long lasting change in an industry riddled in injury, the resources here at Ultrasafe Ultrasounds puts YOU back in control of safety in sonography.
One of the best ways we have found to accomplish this mission is by partnering with educational institutions to embed safety in sonography into the current curriculums being taught to the future sonographers so that they have access to the necessary and comprehensive training that they need to be in the Healthcare Industry today.
According to the BLS, Diagnostic Medical Sonography is projected to grow FASTER than ALL OTHER occupations. This is why it is imperative that the proper training happen before students get to the workforce as well as those already directly involved in patient care.
So we’re partnering with publishers, educators, sonographers, students, and more give you all the deets you need to optimize #safetyinsonography. Featured Partners: