Work, work, work, work, work, work…
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, formerly known as Ultrasound Techs, have been getting the shit end of the safety stick for years. Patient too big for the MRI machine, no worries just order an ultrasound. The “tech” will be up here in a flash to rearrange all the furniture, plug in their equipment, and will magically be able to change the laws of physics to be able to see what might, maybe, be under there. They’re happy to be able to exert tremendous downward force and absorb all that pressure as well on their soft tissues to be able to see through 25-30 centimeters of fascia and adipose. No worries!
Wait what? The sonographer is out? They filed a workers comp claim? They’re said their what tore? They’ll be out for how long? They might not even be able to come back to scan…. like at all? Well WTF are we supposed to do now? How did they got hurt? Did they ever even mention they were in pain before? No documented history of injury or an event we can absolutely pin point as the culprit? Great, that helps save us some money… claim DENIED! Now someone go find me a new tech ASAP so I don’t have to reschedule my entire week. Experience? I don’t know… just make sure they can scan and they don’t have any “diva” behavior about their caseload or exam frequency or time allotment. Oh and if they can do more than one specialty so we don’t have to pay for two separate techs, like make sure they can do the babies and the heart, that would be ideal, Thanks! PS …oh if they can do babies and hearts, then that means they can do baby hearts right? Throw that one in there too, thanks Betty! (for the record adult echo is not the same as fetal echo and fetal echo is not the same as obstetrics and gynecology)
The #CaptheCaseload Campaign speaks to the uncapped and unlimited number of exams a qualifying provider, like a nurse, and physicians assistant, a hospitalist, or a good ol’ MD) can expect for a single shift (per hour) per scheduled sonographer to scan. For example a sonographer (not tech) who is scheduled for 8 hours cannot scan more than 16 cases for that shift… 12 hours / 24 cases. It’s a ratio that provides a basic solution to answer the call to action on both how and why is it that 90% of sonographers are reported to be scanning in symptomatic pain. The trade alone leaves its workforce at high risk for injury, however when you add in that sonographers caseloads are increasing as popularity of the modality continues to grow, you end up with an extremely high incidence rate that is costing employers an estimated $120 Billion dollars in the direct and indirect costs associated with Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders or injuries (WRMSD.) the ultimate goal: #minimizerisk #maximizeproductivity.
For more information, download the White Paper on Sonographer Specific WRMSD’s and learn about Offensive Soft Tissue Recovery by visiting
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