FREE MASTERCLASS EXCLUSIVELY FOR SONOGRAPHERS SPILL THE TEA!! Morning of May 8th, 2021. Start your Mother’s Day weekend right!
Guest Rabab Al Amin, M.Ac.,L.Ac., Dipl. AC (NCCAOM), C. ZB joins Joanna Hall for some tea time and shares her journey from working to get her foot in the door to learn Echocardiography to being told within a few short years that she’d be disabled from her injuries sustained from performing diagnostic medical sonography. After her first experience with Acupuncture as an absolute pessimist, she was released from the gripping hold of deep body pain and was instantly hooked. She devoted her life to a new approach in healing through herbal remedies and sound healing strategies. Join us for some amazing insight on how to live a guilt free life in chronic pain and how to be released from its bound.
It’s no secret that the ultrasound industry is riddled with injuries. The real secret is how to not only reduce the incidence rate of these injuries that are costing employers $120 Billion annually and causing 90% of a workforce to be symptomatically in pain, but to learn how to live a life in chronic pain as a productive member of society, a private citizen, and in most cases if you have not yet switch to applications, a bedside health care provider. Sonographers over a vast spectrum of specialties like obstetrics,, echocardiography, vascular, and general, find themselves in a place a few years into their career when they realize that their body is succumbing to the repetitive and forceful motions that they are performing during their jobs. While massage therapy chiropractic’s oral pain medication physical therapy and other approaches have proven helpful to relieve the symptoms associated with performing diagnostic ultrasound, it’s helpful to learn that there are many ways to treat pain that do not involve modern medicinal approaches. Of course everyone’s experience with work related musculoskeletal disorders and associated pain varies, however the commonality is that all employees, including high risk occupations for health care providers, deserve an d are legally entitled to, a safe and healthful workplace. And if the evidence shows that your workplace is riddled with injuries, then now is the time for you to implement the Ultrasafe Ultrasound Ergonomic Process and get your sonographers trained in optimizing their Ergo-Mechanics immediately so we can minimize risk and maximize productivity your your facility. Everyone deserves Ultrasafe Ultrasounds, they benefit the patients, the providers, and the practices. Reach out to us here to learn more
Soft Tissue Recovery and Ergo-Mechanics are all about changing the mindset of the diagnostic sonographer and providing them with the tools and resources they need to understand how to take care of themselves in this field. This is also true for their employers as there is a current disconnection when understanding WRMSDs. This is partially due to a lack of early reporting, which is partially due to a silence culture within the industry to not been seen as a “complainer.” No one wants to be seen an invaluable. Too often it is a simple lack of education or up to date resources that leads to detrimental results for both employers and employees. During this week’s tea in sonography, we go on a journey with a sonographer to learn how her work related MSK injury shaped the rest of her life like many DMS’s is who find themselves making an unexpectedly pivot from their career path. We hope you enjoy this journey from a western medicine mentality to an eastern full body approach for living a life in chronic pain. And if there’s any way we can support you in your journey toward safety in sonography, don’t be shy to grab a brick and join us in empowerment to build the bridge for #safetyinsonography
#teamsono #ultrasafeultrasounds #safetyinsonography #howtoprogram #capthecaseload #STR #softtissuerecovery #offensiveSTR #safety #staffing #ultrasound #sonography #ergonomics #certification #covid #WRMSD #MSD #safetyintheworkplace #sharedresponsibility #patientsafety #providersafety #practicesafety #interruptanindustry #buildingabridge #nosocialdistanceinsonography #section5duties #oshaACT1970 #recognizedultrasoundhazards #risksinultrasound #hazardsinsonography #ultrasoundrelatedWRMSD #sonographyrelateWRMSD #safetyforsonographers #ergonomicsinsonography #ergonomicsafetyinsonography #sonographyresources #servicesforsonography #safetyandstaffingservices #safetysolutions #simplesafetyinsonography #safetyandstaffingservices #safetyandstaffinginsonography #savesonographershoulder #safetyisthefoundationofourwork #CEOintros #authentic #womenowned #minorityowned #RVT #RDMS #RDCS #RMSK #intentonalwork #bethechangeyouwanttosee #safetyintheworkplace #safeworkenvironment #UUDS #biomechanics #sonographershoulder #ultrasonido #seguridadinsonografia #UUDSergonomicprocess #resourcesinultrasound #sonographyresources #servicesforsonography #safetyandstaffingservices #safetysolutions #saveasonographer #savetheworld
Clubhouse: rababalamin