Novel Ultrasound-assisted laser technique removes arterial plaque safely and efficiently
Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc., Source: Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
“Atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque, is traditionally treated by inserting and inflating a balloon to expand the artery. Other treatments based on lasers are used less frequently as it has a high risk of complications and low efficacy. Rohit Singh and other researchers developed a method of treatment that uses a low power laser to remove the plaque safely. The low power nanosecond pulsed laser produces microbubbles, adding the irradiation from ultrasound leads to the microbubbles to expand, collapse, and disrupt the plaque. This method destroys the plaque, lowering the restenosis rate. The control of this treatment will lower the risk of dissection and perforation in arteries. This technique is not limited to atherosclerosis treatment as Singh and collaborators are using it for ultrasound assisted endovascular laser thrombolysis which can remove abnormal micro vessels in the eye to prevent blindness.”
This treatment shows the new developments in techniques that create safer and more effective results along with the assistance of ultrasounds that will lead to greater innovations in the future of sonography and healthcare.
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