Welcome to the Spring season where growth is the name of the game and thriving is the endgame!
As we cheerfully continue forward in our Surviving vs Thriving in Healthcare Series, we come to a critical part of the chain of command when it comes to motivation and mindset… Our leadership members. Our directors and our supervisors. Our managers who hold such responsibility in their roles that it can be easy to forget that they too need motivation and that they too are simply human.
But managers your gonna be thrilled with this one because the session is all about how to empower your mindset to lead in not just crisis mode, but many of the different modes and realities that you encounter on a daily.
The truth is, whether you’re in a leadership role in your career or not, that we are all in a position of leadership in life. There’s someone always watching to see how we will act or react to a situation, someone taking notes on your tenacity and talents, and that’s a good thing.
That means that the natural light inside of you that shines has not gone out. It might be short-circuiting a little bit these days , maybe a fuse needs to be changed out or you need an upgrade to your wiring or insulation, but your light shines and as a leader you have the responsibility to be the engine of good energy that keeps the train and all it’s moving parts on track, intact, and operable.
Being clear on whether a role in leadership is right for you and checking in with yourself daily to confirm that is still valid for you is critical towards ensuring you’re ready to show up for your team in a meaningful and motivated way. This is the energy and mindset that as a leader you must be the first to embody before your team can adequately encompass it as well. Because once you walk-throughs the office door in business and more specifically in healthcare, you must have the presence to check everything else at the door personally to be fully present in the moments where concise and clear decisions save lives.
Ready to learn more and get your mindset right? We’re ready for you!
Join us tomorrow March 22nd, 2022 at 11am CST for our 4th session of the Surviving vs Thriving Series where all this week’s motivation is for managers, directors, supervisors, administration, and anyone who finds themselves partially depleted from their level of leadership.
We look forward to uplifting you for 30 minutes and sending you into your spring feeling energized and equipped to conquer your day!
Register here and if you can’t make it, here’s a sip of the tea…
Managers, make yourselves available, accessible, and approachable to your teams.
Being available means to let them know that you have some time for them.
Being accessible means they can get to you and your door isn’t closed or your chat disabled. You not only available, but accessible.
Being approachable means that your team is not only welcome to share, but that you welcome their feedback.
The moment that any person feels that they have a safe space to share transparently, trust will naturally thrive in that environment.
Are you surviving or thriving in healthcare?
See you there!
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