Have you ever wondered what it’s like to spend most of your life in the dark? Well this is the experience for diagnostic medical sonographers during the winter months particularly the month of February.
Lack of Vitamin D, which is something so many suffer from during the winter months naturally, can really take a toll on the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of the diagnostic medical sonographer who also works in the dark.
This essential vitamin helps strengthen bones & teeth by helping to process calcium and helps to maintain endurance and mental health.
To speak to that point we have a couple of great tips to combat the winter blues for not just sonographers and not just healthcare providers, but for all humankind who don’t enjoy being in a season of “SAD”ness. New research has also concluded that there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and severity of covert 19 illness, so use your vitamin D as another tool in your toolbox in the fight against COVID.
COVID-19 Severity & Vitamin D Deficiency
- If you can’t get vitamin D organically outside because of your location in relation to the equator, seek out another source to keep your levels from becoming deficient. Some of these great sources include not just vitamin D3 which you can get OTC, but investing in a “happy lamp” that provides faux sunlight and is a really easy tool to transfer from both your office to your home. Best part is they’re really inexpensive and can be found everything else is found on Amazon.
- Keep your water intake up. They say 8 ounces of water a day will keep you hydrated, however during the winter months when your heater is busy keeping you toasty , know that it is also drying out your skin, eyes, nails, hair, etc. This is going to add to your fatigue during the winter months so please be sure to increase your water intake to not just the bare minimum, but optimization. How Much Water Do You Really Need?
- And finally, make sure to prioritize time for things that you enjoy! February 14 a.k.a. Valentine’s Day, is an excellent time to show outward love to others in your life whether that be friends, family, or even coworkers. But to not put your self on the top of that list is to ignore the fact that you are the common factor in everyone who you love and they love you as well and want the best for you, so make sure to show your self some self-love as you battle the winter blues.
As for my sonographers out there who spend their careers working in the dark, this goes double for you! Keep up that vitamin D intake so that scanning in the dark feels less cumbersome during winter because you can’t really go outside after your shift and get sufficient sunlight until the spring rolls background.
We wish everyone a safe and happy rest of your February and we love to hear from you! #ultrasafeultrasounds #safetyinsonography
What are your tips and tricks to combat the winter blues and keep up your Vitamin D? #spillthetea